Great Place for Generations
May 03 2019

My father was a general motors guy. Over the years while I was growing up we made several trips to Taber when dad wanted a new car or truck. It all started in 1974 when dad bought a new 6500 series single axle truck from Ken. He was the first person who would order a truck with the axle spacing that my father wanted. Over the years when we got stopped hauling grain in that truck the officers could hardly believe that we owned a truck that could haul a full legal load because the axles were far enough apart. At the time it was a rare thing to have enough distance between the axles so the load could be carried on both the front and rear axle. Most all the grain trucks at the time were set up so the rear axle was overloaded and the front axle was underloaded. So after dad had tried many dealerships Ken was the first person who would order one for him the way he wanted. That was the first of many GM products that dad bought there. Dad continued to purchase a lifetime of new vehicles from there. The last car he bought was from Jim. Ken's good service and care for his customers was passed down to his son Jim. Worth your while to go and see this multi-generational dealership for your general motors needs. Old-time good service business!
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